I am a math PhD student at MIT
starting from Fall 2024.
Previously, I was an undergraduate student at
Chennai Mathematical Institute.
I am interested in number theory.
- Almost Purity [pdf]
- Tilting equivalence for perfectoid algebras [pdf]
- Special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties [pdf]
- Hodge-Tate decomposition for abelian varieties with good reduction [pdf]
- Moduli schemes of elliptic curves [pdf]
- Deligne's construction of $\ell$-adic Galois representations attached to normalized cuspidal newforms of weight $k\ge 2$ [pdf]
- Ribet's converse to Herbrand's theorem [pdf]
- Galois representations attached to modular forms of weight 1 [pdf]
- Tate uniformization of Drinfeld modules [pdf]
- An introduction to the mod $p$ local Langlands correspondence for
$\text{GL}_2(\mathbb Q_p)$ [pdf] [slides]
- Alterations [pdf] [slides]
- The Hochster-Roberts theorem [pdf]
- (old) A Taste of Analytic Number Theory [pdf] [AoPS Page]
Odds and ends